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Plaintiffs File Lawsuit Regarding Student Loan Credit Reporting

The CARES Act placed the federal student loans of all borrowers into a suspended status. At present, no payment is due and interest is not accruing. Even though borrowers are not currently paying these debts,...

Lawsuits Make Lenders Pay for Inaccuracies in Your Credit Reports

With lenders using a composite FICO score to decide whether to extend credit, finance a car, or offer a credit limit increase, consumers are advised to monitor their credit reports. In 2020, consumers are exp...

Federal Government Files New Facebook Lawsuit Alleging Major Crimes

In the past few years, there have been several potential issues with the way Facebook has operated. The site has gradually evolved from a small social media company to a major business that affects ever...

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds

Oregon Treasury Holds Over $10 Million in Unclaimed Funds According to news from Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday, the Treasury department is set to return around $10 million in unclaimed funds to Oregon residents in t...

States Face Numerous Lawsuits Filed Over Lockdowns

Numerous state and local governments are facing lawsuits over their stay-at-home orders from citizens and businesses that want the lockdowns to end. So far, litigants have had little success overturning these orders in co...

LG Starts Claims in a Class-Action Lawsuit for Its French Door Refrigerators

LG has agreed to a settlement for its French side-by-side refrigerators. Perchance you own a refrigerator produced between January 2014 and December 2017; you may receive a reward for having a defe...

Did You Claim Unemployment in Nevada? You Could Be Entitled to Compensation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States saw record unemployment rates. With most states besides South Dakota still seeing unemployment rates higher than they'd seen since the last re...

Have You Protected Your Assets in Your Second Marriage?

If you've just decided to get married again, you need to take the right measures to protect your assets in your second marriage. As you may already know, failing to do so can keep the intended family members from...

What are the Common Mistakes Most Personal Injury Clients Make?

When it comes to injury settlements, every case is different. If you've been involved in an accident, you're probably wondering what to expect in a personal injury case. Most of these cases are sett...