Places To Find Unclaimed Resources You Didn't Know Existed

Johnnie Padberg
Published Dec 30, 2024

Unclaimed resources are assets and money owed to individuals that remain uncollected.

It could be an inheritance, insurance policy payouts, or utility refund. All these resources are just waiting for owners to claim.

You will be surprised to learn that you can find these unclaimed resources in many places without realizing it.

1. Unclaimed Property State Database

Your state's unclaimed property database is one of the most powerful resources. Unclaimed Property regulations exist in all 50 states and vary from state to state.

They include forgotten treasures or lost inheritances such as uncashed checks, stocks, bonds, and security deposits. Sometimes, a deed for real estate or an old savings account may appear in these databases.

These online searchable records provide an excellent opportunity to ensure that you haven't left any money on the table or that a deceased relative hasn't inadvertently left you some wealth behind.

Making such discoveries can make a difference for families. Therefore checking out your local unclaimed property database is worth doing.

2. Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation

It is common for individuals to forget about or leave unclaimed pension funds from a previous job. It can be hard to keep track of all the resources you are eligible for throughout your working life, and that's where Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) comes in.

PBGC is a federal agency that safeguards private pension benefits for millions of American workers and retirees.

You can find unclaimed benefit information associated with your name by visiting their website.

It provides detailed instructions on filing claims and answers frequently asked questions. It also includes contact information to get personalized assistance with filing your claims. PBGC has simplified locating and claiming any forgotten resources.

Therefore, you don't have to worry about leaving anything behind.

3. Department of Veterans Affairs

The program provides health care, disability benefits, and educational opportunities to veterans. However, many veterans may not know that the VA offers unclaimed resources that can improve their lives.

It's worth looking into the VA's website to see whether you need to remember or overlook benefits that could save your financial situation.

Veterans can access various valuable options to better their lives, from insurance policies to low-interest loans. Additionally, contacting your local VA center never hurts because they'll have invaluable information about local offerings and regional opportunities.

Knowing these resources is half the battle. Therefore, contact the VA today to see what hidden gems await you.

4. Bankrate's Unclaimed Money Website

If you're trying to access unclaimed funds, Bankrate's website may be exactly what you want.

The resource offers a comprehensive list of unclaimed money and property available in all states across the U.S. It's a perfect hub for anyone seeking to reclaim lost resources.

Through their search tool, users can quickly enter their name, location, or type of asset to get relevant information on how they can start their claim process.

5. Abandoned Safe Deposit Boxes

When finding lost or forgotten valuables, many overlook the possibility of unclaimed resources in abandoned safe deposit boxes. A treasure of potential wealth is sitting inside those banks.

You can uncover various financially valuable items with the right approach and diligent research. These might include jewelry, coins, antiques, and rare stamps that previous owners overlook.

The items could potentially turn into significant financial gain. Before you embark on your discovery journey, ensure you are adequately informed regarding local laws and regulations related to safe deposit boxes. 

6. Lost Wages Assistance Program

With so much financial distress from the pandemic, people in need of assistance should consider looking for any unclaimed resources through the Lost Wages Assistance Program.

The federally funded program helps those unemployed because of COVID-19 and who need more assistance from state unemployment plans. Looking into this program immediately could provide needed support during these difficult circumstances.

7. IRS Refunds, Credits, and Offsets Help Center

The Refunds, Credits & Offsets Help Center can be a great starting point for your search. You'll have access to refunds, credits, offsets, and other helpful information.

You can also use free online resources that help you assess your credit score

Experienced representatives will answer all questions about the process or help you understand any of the information provided at the center.

Unclaimed resources are everywhere; reclaiming them can be both a rewarding and valuable experience. From veterans benefits to IRS refunds, there is something out there for everyone to discover.

Explore the various resources available now and begin your journey of reclaiming lost or forgotten funds. Moreover, the resources remain untouched, and with minimal effort, you can unearth hidden treasures that could have a significant impact.

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